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Family Crib Service

Sunday 16th December 2018
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Children of all ages joined together for the Family Crib Service on Gaudete Sunday afternoon. The church was warmly lit up on a blustery winter's day by the candles and the newly-lighted Christmas tree. 


Children of all ages joined together for the Family Crib Service on Gaudete Sunday afternoon. The church was warmly lit up on a blustery winter's day by the candles and the newly-lighted Christmas tree. 


Angels in bright raiment, kings, shepherds and their flocks - along with the odd rogue festive dinosaur - heard readings and sang carols in the church, along with a cheerful piano and flute duet, courtesy of Fr Christopher and Liz.


Finally, the children gathered on the altar to remember the familiar Nativity story and all were astonished anew by God's incredible love for His people in giving us his only Son on that first Christmas. 


Our thanks go to all who organised this lovely afternoon and the kind hospitality afterwards. We hope that this will be the beginning of a new Advent tradition at the Immaculate Conception.

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